I was lucky enough to be invited on a three day trip to Isla Tortuga with my friend Ken on his beautiful 48-foot Pacifica Sportfisher out of San Carlos, Sonora. The island, 56 nautical miles from our home port, is relatively isolated in the Sea of Cortez. As a result sea life abounds. We trolled all the way at about ten knots and caught two dorado. A great lunch. Arriving at Tortuga and setting anchor in 30 feet of water, Ken dove and his guest and I snorkeled. Visibility was greater than 60 feet and the water temperatures were in the 80s with no thermocline at depth.
For our third day I again dove with the hookah (I am a dealer for these fine units in Mexico) and then trolled back to San Carlos landing one medium male dorado. A great trip for all. Good friends and great times in the Sea.
OK, that's it. Next trip to the pool I'm taking my snorkel and getting over my fear of breathing through a tube. Then I'm going to price underwater cameras. This is too much fun to be missed!